In autumn 2018 new systems of waste collection began to be applied in BerguedĂ .
The Door-to-Door is a separate collection system applied to 12 municipalities of our region, including La Pobla de Lillet. It consists of leaving the waste in front of the house door, in specific days and hours for each type of waste.
For this reason, there are no containers on the streets or on the roads. If you need to throw litter and there is no litter can near, please bring it to the closer collection point.
In BerguedĂ we separate because it means protecting the environment, thinking about the conservation of our natural environment, the economic resources and the tourist charm of our region.
So, if you visit us, we encourage you to join this great project to improve the environment.
More information at:
Phone. +34 660 411 398 ( from 8:00 to 15:00 h)
E-mail address: