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The village lies around the church of Sant Jaume de Frontanyà.
Castellar de n’Hug
Castellar de n'Hug is a municipality in the region of Berguedà, which borders Ripollès. Here rises Llobregat river.
Bagà is a municipality of the Berguedà region. Historically it belonged to the Barony of Pinós and it is the historical capital of Alt Berguedà.
Campdevànol is a village of ancient traditions and rooted festivals, but also with modern customs.
It is mainly a rural municipality, but has also some small industries.
Guardiola de Berguedà
Located in the north of Alt Berguedà, in the province of Barcelona and at an altitude of 720 metres.
Museu del Ciment
The visit to the museum allows to understand the impressive set of this industrial complex remains, raised by a group of industrialists at the beginning of the 20th century.
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